Manual on Gender Equality in Iraqi Labor Law and Policies

This manual addresses Gender Equality in Iraqi Labor Law No. 37 of 2015, and the Iraqi Employment Policy. It offers guidance on the concepts of gender inequality and discrimination, protection of motherhood and sexual harassment in the provisions of the Iraqi Labor Law, and international labor obligations and best practices for gender equality. With a total of ten sections, the manual offers facts and examples of gender equality and inequality, data from Iraq and remedies available to victims of gender-based violence, and recommendations to advance the work environment for women and all employees.

Issued by PartnersIraq, the manual was developed in collaboration with the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Iraqi Bar and local experts. It was made possible with the support of Global Affairs Canada under project name Women Empowerment in the Workplace (WEW).

For the guide in English, click HERE or read below. For the guide in Arabic, click HERE.


This guide on the basic tools of conflict analysis was developed by PartnersGlobal for a virtual course as part of the Communities Building Peace Together in Guatemala project, an initiative financed by USAID and implemented by Creative Associates International, Fundación ProPaz and PartnersGlobal. There are many ways to categorize conflict analysis tools. In this guide we divide them according to the element of the conflict they address – the people, the process or problem. This guide is currently available in Spanish only.


The Partners for Security in Guinea project is pleased to announce the launch of its Guide to Best Practices. These best practices are the culmination of consistent collaboration among the Guinean government, law enforcement, community leaders, and everyday citizens to reform the security sector through community policing and build trust between police and citizens. The Guide shares the innovative initiatives, tools, and best practices that contributed to the project’s success and that can inform community policing initiatives and security sector reform in other countries

About the Project

From 2015-2020, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs has supported PartnersGlobal and consortium members COGINTA and CECIDE in implementing the Partners for Security in Guinea project. The project’s goal was to institute community policing in Guinea and to reform the security sector by improving relationships between police and communities so they could collaboratively address shared security challenges.

Cliquez pour accéder au Guide en français/Click to access the Guide in French

Le projet « Partenaires pour la Sécurité en Guinée » a le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de son Guide des Bonnes Pratiques. Ces bonnes pratiques sont l’aboutissement d’une collaboration constante entre le gouvernement guinéen, les forces de l’ordre, les leaders communautaires et les citoyens pour réformer le secteur de la sécurité par le biais de la police de proximité et instaurer la confiance entre la police et les citoyens. Le Guide partage les initiatives innovantes, les outils et les bonnes pratiques qui ont contribué au succès du projet et qui peuvent éclairer les initiatives de police de proximité et la réforme du secteur de la sécurité dans d’autres pays.

A propos du projet

Au cours des cinq dernières années, INL a soutenu PartnersGlobal et les membres du consortium COGINTA et CECIDE dans la mise en œuvre du projet « Partenaires pour la sécurité en Guinée : la réforme de la police au service des citoyens ». Le but du projet était d’instituer la police de proximité en Guinée et de réformer le secteur de la sécurité en améliorant les relations entre la police et les communautés afin qu’elles puissent en collaboration relever les défis de sécurité.

Cliquez pour accéder au Guide en anglais/Click to access the Guide in English.

In this presentation, Nat Kendall-Taylor, CEO of FrameWorks Institute, shares some of their most applicable research findings to this moment of COVID19, with lessons and tips for all civil society leaders to be able to incorporate into their communications and outreach.

The PartnersGlobal Resiliency+ Framework requires a shift in mindset for leaders and teams within organizations to think differently and partner in new ways to continue to survive and thrive when facing shocks.  At times of great stress, upheaval, and change, we are called upon to build up our conflict resolution skills. Therefore, communication skills, including asking the right questions, are integral to applying the Resiliency+ Framework in practice, putting empathy and restorative practice at the center of our resiliency journeys as civil society.

As conflict resolution expert Ken Cloke explains in this slideshow presentation, chronic conflict reduces resiliency within organizations and societies. Mediation and conflict resolution, he says, are therefore resiliency processes. By applying mediation or conflict resolution-based communications to reach out to those who think differently and address challenges, we are in fact working to bolster our resiliency.

Staff Readiness and Well-Being are essential to an organization’s sustainability and resiliency. Yet too often, organizational culture, leadership, and resources don’t provide frameworks and policies to ensure these key elements can be meaningfully supported. In conjunction with the webinar series for PartnersGlobal’s Resiliency+ Framework, this resource guide form The Contact Project aims to provide basic insights for developing a culture and policies for well-being and staff readiness.

Zarvana’s goal is not to convince you to work remotely, but only to help you be at your best when working remotely. And your expectations affect
your performance.

If you think working remotely will reduce your productivity, hamper your satisfaction with your job, and push you into burnout… there is an increased chance that it will. See remote work as an opportunity.

The National Mining Association (NMA) is pleased to provide this Media and Community Crisis Communication Planning Template for your use when working with the media, family members and community in a crisis situation. This planning template is designed to provide a framework for the development of a company-specific crisis communication plan that will help your company deliver timely, accurate and effective messages to your key stakeholder groups and the media in the event of an emergency.