The PartnersGlobal Facilitating Accountability, Integrity, Transparency, and Resiliency approach (FAIR) treats corruption as a symptom of the organization’s malfunctioning and treats people as capable, motivated human beings, knowledgeable about their organizations. Basing our approach on the Islands of Integrity™ methodology, we tailor our intervention to every unique context we encounter.
Building off a famous formula from Professor Robert Klitgaard (C=M+D-A/T), FAIR is grounded in the theory that there is a large probability of finding Corruption (C) in organizations in which there is Monopoly (M) over an activity or service delivery, Discretion (D) in decision-making, and weak Accountability (A) or Transparency (T) mechanisms.
Partners’ team of trainers invests in local anti-corruption practitioners to work directly with government officials and their stakeholders to use this formula as a basis to diagnose the vulnerabilities to corruption within a government institution. We then facilitate a strategic planning process to find practical solutions to dismantle monopoly service provision, reduce the degree of discretion of public officials, and introduce more accountability into the government system. We believe those closest to the problem are best situated to determine solutions, so we focus on building trust between public leaders, managers, and employees to ensure there is real commitment to the implementation of planned changes.
To avoid a siloed approach, PartnersGlobal combines this government-level intervention with bold and creative reforms to address other factors that can drive a system of corruption.
What Can PartnersGlobal Offer?
We can offer training to anti-corruption practitioners and work with local governments and other organizations to implement our anti-corruption process. Where we have supported local government leaders to address corruption, three positive results have emerged:
- A deeper, shared understanding of the vulnerabilities to corruption
- A plan of action for curing and preventing corruption
- More effective execution because the strategies are owned by managers and staff