Active citizen engagement is essential to holding governments accountable and realizing democratic values in decision-making. At PartnersGlobal, we believe specific and contextualized methodologies are needed to ensure the fair and equal participation of all stakeholders in diverse settings. We focus on applying tailored methods and tools to mobilize citizens, taking into account differences in power, access, and culture among different populations. This work is informed by layers of nuance around concepts of manipulation, tokenism, demonstration, informed inclusion, ownership of decision-making, and self-organizing.
Check out additional resources and content connected to our Citizen Participation work.
UNAAM KAYRAAY: Engaging Civil Society for Peace in the Casamance
In 2018, PartnersGlobal in collaboration with Partners West Africa Senegal (PWA-S), La Plateforme des F...
Directorio de Acciones de Paz Positiva en Colombia/Colombian Positive Peace Action Directory
As part of the Positive Peace Project, youth across Colombia engaged in a participatory...
Signature Approaches
Consensus Facilitation
Unlike typical facilitation, in which the Facilitator guides a group through a meeting while facilitating dialogue and negotiating agreements, Consensus Facilitation is a process conducted by highly skilled professionals who have the additional skills to convene the group and help focus the stakeholders on specific issues to reach agreements, as well as to implement strategies and monitor plans which stem from the negotiated agreement.
Facilitating Accountability, Integrity and Resilience Program
The PartnersGlobal Facilitating Accountability, Integrity, Transparency, and Resiliency (FAIR) Program treats corruption as a symptom of the organization’s malfunctioning and treats people as capable, motivated human beings, knowledgeable about their organizations.
Positive Peace in Action
Positive peace is the absence of direct violence, as well as the structural violence (unequal systems and distribution of power and resources), and cultural violence (harmful social norms or beliefs) that legitimize and underpin it.