Yemen’s warring factions have engaged sporadically in national dialogue processes in hopes of securing peace. While such dialogues are crucial to stabilizing the country, they have little chance of success without input and support at the grassroots level. To complement the existing national transition in Yemen, Partners is facilitating a bottom-up dialogue process to give ordinary Yemenis a voice in creating solutions to the ongoing crisis.
PartnersYemen and PartnersGlobal are building the capacity of trusted community leaders, particularly religious leaders, to lead community-level dialogues and inform local peace initiatives.
Empowerment of and support to women as vital community leaders and actors
Women’s and girls’ roles in society have been improved through their leading roles and direct contributions to both the community dialogues and the initiatives addressing vital community needs. With women’s engagement throughout the project, religious leaders, in particular, are now more actively promoting the significant role of women in developing their communities and the importance of girls’ education