GUIDE TO BEST PRACTICES – Partners for Security in Guinea: Reforming the Police to Better Inform Citizens
The Partners for Security in Guinea project is pleased to announce the launch of its Guide to Best Practices. These best practices are the culmination of consistent collaboration among the Guinean government, law enforcement, community leaders, and everyday citizens to reform the security sector through community policing and build trust between police and citizens. The Guide shares the innovative initiatives, tools, and best practices that contributed to the project’s success and that can inform community policing initiatives and security sector reform in other countries
About the Project
From 2015-2020, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs has supported PartnersGlobal and consortium members COGINTA and CECIDE in implementing the Partners for Security in Guinea project. The project’s goal was to institute community policing in Guinea and to reform the security sector by improving relationships between police and communities so they could collaboratively address shared security challenges.
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