Tools for Affecting Narrative

Perhaps the world is not actually growing more complex.  But, the multiplication of actors with the power to spread their messages instantly across the globe exacerbates our inability to disseminate a unified message supporting peacebuilding values and goals. As a burgeoning field, there are many new tools for recognizing and affecting Narratives for Peace.


  1. Judy Shapiro, CEO and Founder of Engage Simply, at Ad: Tech NY.

2. Christy Provines Ignite Talk

3. Paul Cobaugh Ignite Talk

4. Deborah Willig Ignite Talk

5. Melanie Greenberg Ignite Talk

Additional Resources:

  1. Revising the Battle of the Narrative, Small Wars Journal.
  2. Internarrative Identity: Placing the Self Counter-Terrorism: Narrative Strategies.
  3. Transforming Violent Extremism: A Peace Builder’s Guide.
  4. Solheim: We Need to Change Peace “Narrative.” 
  5. The Narrative of Peace: What We Can Learn From the History of Peace Thought.
  6. Creating a New Narrative of Peace with Philip Hellmich. 
  7. Telling Stories that Matter Toolkit

To understand more about the importance of narratives: