Perhaps the world is not actually growing more complex. But, the multiplication of actors with the power to spread their messages instantly across the globe exacerbates our inability to disseminate a unified message supporting peacebuilding values and goals. As a burgeoning field, there are many new tools for recognizing and affecting Narratives for Peace.
- Judy Shapiro, CEO and Founder of Engage Simply, at Ad: Tech NY.
2. Christy Provines Ignite Talk
3. Paul Cobaugh Ignite Talk
4. Deborah Willig Ignite Talk
5. Melanie Greenberg Ignite Talk
Additional Resources:
- Revising the Battle of the Narrative, Small Wars Journal.
- Internarrative Identity: Placing the Self Counter-Terrorism: Narrative Strategies.
- Transforming Violent Extremism: A Peace Builder’s Guide.
- Solheim: We Need to Change Peace “Narrative.”
- The Narrative of Peace: What We Can Learn From the History of Peace Thought.
- Creating a New Narrative of Peace with Philip Hellmich.
- Telling Stories that Matter Toolkit.
To understand more about the importance of narratives: