Understanding narratives is critical to overcoming challenges within many sectors, and increasingly leaders from government, business and non-profits are realizing that narratives can be paramount to enduring peace and security. Narratives hold promise as an important means of transforming conflict and achieving more peaceful societies.
- Tricia DeGennaro Ignite Talk
2. Jeff Kubiak Ignite Talk
3. Scott Thomson Ignite Talk
4. Sara Lind Ignite Talk
5. John DeRosa Ignite Talk
Additional Resources:
- Battles Can Be Won With Kinetics, but Wars Are Won With Influence
- A Strategic Perspective on “Information Warfare” & “Counter-Propaganda
- The Past, Present, and Future of the War for Public Opinion
- “Weaponized Narrative: The New Battlespace” White paper for Future of War Conference, 21 March 2017
- War Narratives and the American National Will in War
- “A Core National Security Interest: Framing Atrocities Prevention,” Politics and Governance 3 (Fall 2015): 26-43
- Winning the Ground Battles but Losing the Information War
- Now Hear This – Sailing into the Gray Zone
- Understanding the Narratives behind the U.S. Health Care Battle
- Could a UK Peace Department create a new narrative for global harmony?
- From ‘business as usual’ to ‘business for peace’? Unpacking the conflict-sensitivity narrative
- Top-down and bottom-up narratives of peace and conflict
- Narrative and Peace: a “New Story” to address structural violence
To understand more about the importance of narratives: