Narratives for Peace and Security

Understanding narratives is critical to overcoming challenges within many sectors, and increasingly leaders from government, business and non-profits are realizing that narratives can be paramount to enduring peace and security. Narratives hold promise as an important means of transforming conflict and achieving more peaceful societies.


  1. Tricia DeGennaro Ignite Talk

2. Jeff Kubiak Ignite Talk

3. Scott Thomson Ignite Talk

4. Sara Lind Ignite Talk

5. John DeRosa Ignite Talk

Additional Resources:

  1. Battles Can Be Won With Kinetics, but Wars Are Won With Influence
  2. A Strategic Perspective on “Information Warfare” & “Counter-Propaganda
  3. The Past, Present, and Future of the War for Public Opinion
  4. “Weaponized Narrative: The New Battlespace” White paper for Future of War Conference, 21 March 2017
  5. War Narratives and the American National Will in War
  6. “A Core National Security Interest: Framing Atrocities Prevention,” Politics and Governance 3 (Fall 2015): 26-43
  7. Winning the Ground Battles but Losing the Information War
  8. Now Hear This – Sailing into the Gray Zone
  9. Understanding the Narratives behind the U.S. Health Care Battle
  10. Could a UK Peace Department create a new narrative for global harmony?
  11. From ‘business as usual’ to ‘business for peace’? Unpacking the conflict-sensitivity narrative
  12. Top-down and bottom-up narratives of peace and conflict
  13. Narrative and Peace: a “New Story” to address structural violence

To understand more about the importance of narratives: