Workforce Empowerment for Women Project End of Project Summary Report

This manual addresses Gender Equality in Iraqi Labor Law No. 37 of 2015, and the Iraqi Employment Policy. It offers guidance on the concepts of gender inequality and discrimination, protection of motherhood and sexual harassment in the provisions of the Iraqi Labor Law, and international labor obligations and best practices for gender equality. With a total of ten sections, the manual offers facts and examples of gender equality and inequality, data from Iraq and remedies available to victims of gender-based violence, and recommendations to advance the work environment for women and all employees.

Issued by PartnersIraq, the manual was developed in collaboration with the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Iraqi Bar and local experts. It was made possible with the support of Global Affairs Canada under project name Women Empowerment in the Workplace (WEW).

For the guide in English, click HERE or read below. For the guide in Arabic, click HERE.


Yemen has been embroiled in conflict for the better part of the last six years. Deteriorating economic conditions coupled with systemic failures in governance have exacerbated the conflict and left Yemenis without access to basic services, increasing grievances and deepening marginalization. From 2018 to 2020, PartnersGlobal and PartnersYemen worked in communities across Yemen to strengthen connections between civil society, religious leaders, and government actors to address local needs. This paper reflects on these efforts to engage communities and help them communicate local needs to decision-makers with an ability to impact national peace talks and agreements. The paper also provides actionable policy recommendations to the international community for supporting peace in Yemen at the local and national levels.

To access the Arabic paper, click here.

The PartnersGlobal Resiliency+ Framework requires a shift in mindset for leaders and teams within organizations to think differently and partner in new ways to continue to survive and thrive when facing shocks.  At times of great stress, upheaval, and change, we are called upon to build up our conflict resolution skills. Therefore, communication skills, including asking the right questions, are integral to applying the Resiliency+ Framework in practice, putting empathy and restorative practice at the center of our resiliency journeys as civil society.

As conflict resolution expert Ken Cloke explains in this slideshow presentation, chronic conflict reduces resiliency within organizations and societies. Mediation and conflict resolution, he says, are therefore resiliency processes. By applying mediation or conflict resolution-based communications to reach out to those who think differently and address challenges, we are in fact working to bolster our resiliency.

Staff Readiness and Well-Being are essential to an organization’s sustainability and resiliency. Yet too often, organizational culture, leadership, and resources don’t provide frameworks and policies to ensure these key elements can be meaningfully supported. In conjunction with the webinar series for PartnersGlobal’s Resiliency+ Framework, this resource guide form The Contact Project aims to provide basic insights for developing a culture and policies for well-being and staff readiness.

The world needs more integration for peace, democracy and development. At PartnersGlobal, that’s what we do. Learn more about the organization in this one-pager.

This audit includes the financial statements of PartnersGlobal for fiscal year 2018.

Partners Network members approach their work through effective convening, participatory dialogue, and facilitation. In this spirit, we’ve brought together some of our favorite icebreakers and energizers from around the world to celebrate our 30th year of peace and democracy building.