Today, levels of violence and political instability reach all corners of the world. We are collectively alarmed by the vitriol and deepening polarization in our societies. Our original commitment to create safe spaces where true discussion and differences of opinions emerge remains critical now more than ever.
Staff Readiness and Well-Being are essential to an organization’s sustainability and resiliency. Yet too often, organizational culture, leadership, and resources don’t provide frameworks and policies to ensure these key elements can be meaningfully supported. In conjunction with the webinar series for PartnersGlobal’s Resiliency+ Framework, this resource guide form The Contact Project aims to provide basic insights for developing a culture and policies for well-being and staff readiness.
Zarvana’s goal is not to convince you to work remotely, but only to help you be at your best when working remotely. And your expectations affect
your performance.
If you think working remotely will reduce your productivity, hamper your satisfaction with your job, and push you into burnout… there is an increased chance that it will. See remote work as an opportunity.
The National Mining Association (NMA) is pleased to provide this Media and Community Crisis Communication Planning Template for your use when working with the media, family members and community in a crisis situation. This planning template is designed to provide a framework for the development of a company-specific crisis communication plan that will help your company deliver timely, accurate and effective messages to your key stakeholder groups and the media in the event of an emergency.
The world needs more integration for peace, democracy and development. At PartnersGlobal, that’s what we do. Learn more about the organization in this one-pager.
Learn about one of the key factors of civil society resiliency, Adaptive Leadership. Presenter Natalie Boudou, who works with companies and organizations to improve their overall resiliency as part of her role at PEPIT Consulting, presents PEPIT’s model for resilient and agile leadership and share how her clients are realizing that investing in a resilient culture is fundamental to growth and innovation.
Authored by Pepit Consulting, this white paper contains extensive research, best practices and case studies on resilience in human capital which proves the business case for building resilient work cultures and provides some guidance on how to make this happen.
This audit includes the financial statements of PartnersGlobal for fiscal year 2018.
Partners Network members approach their work through effective convening, participatory dialogue, and facilitation. In this spirit, we’ve brought together some of our favorite icebreakers and energizers from around the world to celebrate our 30th year of peace and democracy building.