Nigeria’s justice system faces problems with fair and legal representation. These challenges are aggravated by limited resources as well as poor sanitation and overcrowding in correctional centers. Facing high-poverty rates and a limited pool of pro bono lawyers in the country, citizens have little access to legal representation.
Working closely with Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN), the Democratic Action Group (DAG), and New – Rule LLC, PartnersGlobal is implementing the Greater Access to Defense and Justice (GADJET) program. The program has successfully opened the first Public Defenders Office (PDO) in Kano State to improve citizens’ access to justice. The GADJET program works closely with stakeholders at the community, local, state, national, and international levels to provide legal aid services to indigent marginalized populations in Kano State Nigeria. The program also focuses on citizen engagement and advocacy through public awareness campaigns and legal clinics to educate citizens on their fundamental rights and how to access PDO services.
Learn more about the impact of this program by reading Idris Nuhu’s story. A 35-year-old detainee in Kurmawa Custodial Center, he spent seven years in pre-trial detention without a formal court arraignment or appearance before pro bono lawyers at the PDO defended his case.
Funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement.