Security Sector Reform

To be effective and sustainable, security sector reform needs to engage everyone affected by the security system: government, security personnel and, importantly, citizens. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive planning strategy and process that include the participation of all those affected, PartnersGlobal developed the Security Governance Accountability and Performance Toolkit. Comprised of a framework and guide, the toolkit supports participants through a facilitated security sector reform planning process that lays the groundwork for joint prioritization, action planning ,and continual assessment of a country’s security sector.

Photo by PartnersGlobal In Burkina Faso, citizens and law enforcement jointly address violence on roadways
Burkina Faso Learn More
High-level Senegal roundtable to focus on citizen-police collaboration on road security
Senegal Learn More
Guinea citizens become "actors in their own security"
Guinea Learn More
Why trust between security forces and citizens matters in the context of COVID-19
Guinea Learn More
20 Years After Resolution 1325: Why are women still excluded from peace processes?

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PartnersGlobal Annual Report 2018

In a year where fractures and divisions seemed to widen, PartnersGlobal and th...

Security: Governance, Accountability, & Performance Tool Kit PartnersGlobal created the Security: Governance, Accountability and Performance (SGAP) Framework based ...